Friday, May 9, 2014

Taking a break from the NBA, Paige Woodard

Hey guys, it has been a while since I have posted and I am sincerely sorry for this. However, this week I will not be blogging about the NBA. Later today, I will be posting another post about the playoffs thus far and my analysis. However, as you know I am a freshman in high school and my teacher here had us participate in a google hangout with a Senior at Franklin community high school in Indiana, Paige Woodard. Paige Woodard taught me a couple things. If there was one thing that I truly learned, was to take the opportunities that present themselves to you. These opportunities that show up to your doorstep may not be the best things in the world, however these jobs, these opportunities need to be taken advantage of. The way that this needs to apply to people's lives is make sure you are paying attention to what is being told to you. Millions of times, people will just overlook what is being told to you, and they do not go anywhere. However, with the advice I learned from Paige, I have realized that nothing should be taken for granted. One small job, can lead you to another step. I strongly encourage people to take Paige's advice. Another thing that I learned from Paige is time management. I realize that the average person may not have the greatest amount of time, however Paige taught me that balancing so many different things, you have to realize that nothing is easy. If you have a job, school, and a sport, it may not be the easiest thing to have to go to practice, then your job, and then have to end up doing homework late at night. The people that are the top of the line, are the ones that are the most passionate. The people that will pursue what they want to do, and not just sit down and dream are the ones that will  be the most successful. As I said earlier, nothing comes easily, so get up and do what you truly want. One of the most important things that I learned from Paige is that whenever you are on social media, make sure you have a purpose. Whenever you tweet, Instagram, or Facebook there has to be a purpose behind it all. Paige taught me to ask questions before I actually do anything on social media. Everyone out there who reads this post, make a difference, change yourself for the better. Also go check out Paige's blog! And even though this was not a basketball post, keep on swishing!

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